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SB 382 Unemployment compensation; collection of overpayments, limitations.
Introduced by: Adam P. Ebbin | all patrons ... notes | add to my profiles
SUMMARY AS PASSED: (all summaries)
Unemployment compensation; collection of overpayments; limitations. Provides that collection activities for an overpayment, provided that such overpayment was not caused by fraud on the part of the claimant, shall be suspended and that the Virginia Employment Commission shall determine as uncollectable and discharge the overpayment if it remains unpaid after the earliest of the following: (i) after the expiration of five years from the last day of the benefit year in which the overpayment was made, (ii) immediately upon the death of the claimant, (iii) upon the claimant's discharge in bankruptcy occurring subsequently to the determination of payment, or (iv) at any time where the Commission finds such overpayment to be uncollectible or the recovery of such overpayment to be administratively impracticable. As introduced, this bill was a recommendation of the Commission on Unemployment Compensation.
- 01/09/24 Senate: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24104023D pdf | impact statement
- 02/02/24 Senate: Printed as engrossed 24104023D-E pdf | impact statement
- 03/04/24 Senate: Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB382ER) pdf | impact statement
- 04/05/24 Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0591) pdf
- House committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
- Senate committee, floor amendments and substitutes offered
- House amendments adopted
- House amendments engrossed
- Senate amendments
- 01/09/24 Senate: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/10/24 24104023D
- 01/09/24 Senate: Referred to Committee on Commerce and Labor
- 01/22/24 Senate: Reported from Commerce and Labor with amendments (14-Y 0-N)
- 01/22/24 Senate: Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations
- 01/31/24 Senate: Reported from Finance and Appropriations (15-Y 0-N)
- 02/01/24 Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed (40-Y 0-N)
- 02/02/24 Senate: Read second time
- 02/02/24 Senate: Reading of amendments waived
- 02/02/24 Senate: Committee amendments agreed to
- 02/02/24 Senate: Engrossed by Senate as amended SB382E
- 02/02/24 Senate: Printed as engrossed 24104023D-E
- 02/05/24 Senate: Read third time and passed Senate (40-Y 0-N)
- 02/13/24 House: Placed on Calendar
- 02/13/24 House: Read first time
- 02/13/24 House: Referred to Committee on Labor and Commerce
- 02/20/24 House: Reported from Labor and Commerce with amendment(s) (19-Y 2-N)
- 02/20/24 House: Referred to Committee on Appropriations
- 02/21/24 House: Reported from Appropriations (22-Y 0-N)
- 02/23/24 House: Read second time
- 02/26/24 House: Read third time
- 02/26/24 House: Committee amendment agreed to
- 02/26/24 House: Engrossed by House as amended
- 02/26/24 House: Passed House with amendment (94-Y 1-N)
- 02/26/24 House: VOTE: Passage (94-Y 1-N)
- 02/28/24 Senate: House amendment agreed to by Senate (39-Y 0-N)
- 03/04/24 Senate: Enrolled
- 03/04/24 Senate: Bill text as passed Senate and House (SB382ER)
- 03/04/24 House: Signed by Speaker
- 03/07/24 Senate: Signed by President
- 03/11/24 Senate: Enrolled Bill Communicated to Governor on March 11, 2024
- 03/11/24 Governor: Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., April 8, 2024
- 04/05/24 Governor: Approved by Governor-Chapter 591 (effective 7/1/24)
- 04/05/24 Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0591)