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HB 704 Environmental justice; definitions, agency regulations, Virginia Environmental Justice Act, policy.
Introduced by: Mark L. Keam | all patrons ... notes | add to my profiles
Environmental justice; policy. Provides that it is the policy of the Commonwealth to promote environmental justice, defined in the bill, and to ensure that it is carried out throughout the Commonwealth. This bill is identical to SB 406.
- 01/06/20 House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/08/20 20103275D pdf
- 02/05/20 House: Committee substitute printed 20106928D-H1 pdf
- 02/10/20 House: Printed as engrossed 20106928D-EH1 pdf | impact statement
- 02/18/20 Senate: Committee substitute printed 20108214D-S1 pdf | impact statement
- 03/02/20 House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB704ER) pdf | impact statement
- 04/22/20 House: Reenrolled bill text (HB704ER2) pdf
- 04/22/20 Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP1212) pdf
- House subcommittee amendments and substitutes offered
- House subcommittee amendments and substitutes adopted
- House amendments adopted
- Governor's recommendation
- 01/06/20 House: Prefiled and ordered printed; offered 01/08/20 20103275D
- 01/06/20 House: Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources
- 01/14/20 House: Assigned ACNR sub: Natural Resources
- 01/29/20 House: Subcommittee recommends reporting with substitute (8-Y 0-N)
- 01/29/20 House: Subcommittee recommends referring to Committee on Appropriations
- 02/05/20 House: Reported from Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources with substitute (18-Y 4-N)
- 02/05/20 House: Committee substitute printed 20106928D-H1
- 02/05/20 House: Referred to Committee on Appropriations
- 02/05/20 House: Assigned App. sub: Commerce Agriculture & Natural Resources
- 02/07/20 House: Subcommittee recommends reporting with amendments (8-Y 0-N)
- 02/07/20 House: Reported from Appropriations with amendments (17-Y 5-N)
- 02/09/20 House: Read first time
- 02/10/20 House: Read second time
- 02/10/20 House: Committee on Agriculture, Chesapeake and Natural Resources substitute agreed to 20106928D-H1
- 02/10/20 House: Committee on Appropriations amendments agreed to
- 02/10/20 House: Engrossed by House - committee substitute with amendments HB704EH1
- 02/10/20 House: Printed as engrossed 20106928D-EH1
- 02/11/20 House: Read third time and passed House (60-Y 40-N)
- 02/11/20 House: VOTE: Passage (60-Y 40-N)
- 02/12/20 Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed
- 02/12/20 Senate: Referred to Committee on Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources
- 02/18/20 Senate: Reported from Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources with substitute (10-Y 5-N)
- 02/18/20 Senate: Committee substitute printed 20108214D-S1
- 02/20/20 Senate: Constitutional reading dispensed (40-Y 0-N)
- 02/21/20 Senate: Passed by for the day
- 02/24/20 Senate: Read third time
- 02/24/20 Senate: Reading of substitute waived
- 02/24/20 Senate: Committee substitute agreed to 20108214D-S1
- 02/24/20 Senate: Engrossed by Senate - committee substitute HB704S1
- 02/24/20 Senate: Passed Senate with substitute (25-Y 14-N)
- 02/26/20 House: Placed on Calendar
- 02/26/20 House: Senate substitute agreed to by House 20108214D-S1 (54-Y 42-N)
- 02/26/20 House: VOTE: Adoption (54-Y 42-N)
- 03/02/20 House: Enrolled
- 03/02/20 House: Bill text as passed House and Senate (HB704ER)
- 03/02/20 House: Signed by Speaker
- 03/03/20 Senate: Signed by President
- 03/12/20 House: Enrolled Bill communicated to Governor on March 12, 2020
- 03/12/20 Governor: Governor's Action Deadline 11:59 p.m., April 11, 2020
- 04/08/20 House: Governor's recommendation received by House
- 04/22/20 House: Placed on Calendar
- 04/22/20 House: House concurred in Governor's recommendation (52-Y 43-N)
- 04/22/20 House: VOTE: Agree To (52-Y 43-N)
- 04/22/20 Senate: Senate concurred in Governor's recommendation (23-Y 17-N)
- 04/22/20 Governor: Governor's recommendation adopted
- 04/22/20 House: Reenrolled
- 04/22/20 House: Reenrolled bill text (HB704ER2)
- 04/22/20 House: Signed by Speaker as reenrolled
- 04/22/20 Senate: Signed by President as reenrolled
- 04/22/20 House: Enacted, Chapter 1212 (effective 7/1/20)
- 04/22/20 Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP1212)